John Kay - Pianist
Having some background piano music at your event, will create a comfortable atmosphere for your guests to relax and enjoy themselves, without being too intrusive.

I play songs from the charts, musicals, shows and films – usually ranging from the 1930’s through to the Beatles, Elton John and Abba. But can continue into the 80's, 90's and 2000's if needed. I would expect to tailor the performance according to the age of the audience and customer preference.

* Please note that I don't play by ear, but will try and include requests if given some notice.
* If your venue does not have a piano - I can bring a digital keyboard. 

Brief Biography
I originally learnt the accordion at a young age, often playing in my father's band at wedding receptions and similar functions, later on in another band playing keyboards. Whilst I had a career in Information Technology, I made time to take the Associated Board classical piano graded exams.